Category Archives: Just Rants


You figure it out… Shame, a real fucking shame.

Just Rants

Then again,…

…I may be wrong and there may be some hope, after all. I just hope there is no retribution coming for, at least once, telling the truth on [..]

Just Rants

Soylent Green…

… Reality may be stranger than fiction. So, you are telling me that if A: beef eats humans; B: We eat beef; therefore, as simple set math show: [..]

Just Rants

A rose, by any other name…

… is still a rose. And so are terrorists. Finally, something smart to do, if and when they actually do it. | 08/30/2005 | Posada may be [..]

Just Rants

Africa, the last frontier…

Ever wonder why the continent is so behind the ball and power and resources are so tightly controlled by a few? Here is an example: – Report: [..]

Just Rants

Staying the course…

I feel proud of this woman. I wish many more mothers of sons and daughters in the military had the drive and the common sense to protest against [..]

Just Rants

A gift for the assertive woman…

I am laughing my ass off!! Thanks Terranova!!!

Just Rants

The stupidity of U.S. policy towards Cuba

This is by far the best recent article I’ve read about the stupidity of the current U.S. policy towards Cuba. It appeared, of all places, in our local [..]

Just Rants

W.T. F.!!! V2.0

I just confirmed what I suspected about about Pat Robertson: He is A Crazy Mother Fucker I’m not fan of Chávez –I think he’s anachronistic within the current [..]

Just Rants

Proud member!!

Woohoo!! One of the first 500 members of Attention Trust Darn it! One of the first 300’s… Watch that space, it will be something cool and big in [..]

Just Rants