Author Archives: Sparhawk

Lettres juives or The Jewish Spy

The other day, after reading something a friend posted on his Facebook wall about “Revelations of a Lady Detective,’ a collection of stories originally published in 1864,” the [..]

Just Rants , ,

Supernaturality in its proper place.

Well, no, and no because a concept such as “supernaturality” would be meaningless. Even the Second Coming of Christ would most likely be received with a “hey, dude, [..]

Just Rants

Where the wild things are…

Well, talk about serendipity… I just found out, in a bit of news about a Maurice Sendak’s exhibition at the Rosenbach Museum and Library in Philadelphia that the museum [..]

Uncategorized , , ,

Rare W.A. Sherrill book scanned and available in PDF

A good friend, Harmen Mesker, has taken the trouble to scan a very rare book by W.A. Sherrill, Heritage of Change – a Background to Chinese culture and Thinking, and [..]


A lost Valentine’s card

Well, I suppose it was, perhaps, a little Valentine’s card that was sent with a heavy heart at the loss of a lover that moved away in search [..]

Just Rants , ,

“10. Times” by Ricardo Andrée

The present work is a translation of Part 2, Section 10, of the book “Tratado I Ching — El Canon de las Mutaciones — “El Séptimo Tiempo”” by [..]

I Ching , , ,

Total Man V1.0

Much like Don Quixote and his monomania with knights and chivalry novels, my non-fiction “monomania” is with the Yijing (or “I Ching,” as popularized by the Wilhelm/Baynes translation [..]

Commentary, I Ching

Parisology and Perissology pits

I admit it, it is my fault. The haiku-like nature of Twitter lends itself to the dangers of open interpretation by others. Furthermore, the two-way nature of the [..]

Commentary, I Ching, Just Rants

Nobody takes my feelings into consideration…

Commentary, Just Rants

The Palin-McCain equation…

Has anybody noticed how Palin is the one that talks for 20 minutes, get’s the crowd into a frenzy, and then passes the mic to McCain, he repeats [..]

Commentary , ,