Net neutrality in jeopardy…

Sometimes I wonder what are the Republicans (and some Democrats) smoking… Why try to heal a bullet hole? Isn’t better not to shoot the gun in the first place? Little evidence that there would be discriminatory pricing doesn’t mean it would not happen. Net Neutrality proponents, like Google and Yahoo, whom ARE in the Internet business (allow me stress the obvious to make a point) are “insiders” of the whole thing and know what’s coming if there are no safeguards established to prevent something like this. Besides, the fact there are people, in and out of the telecoms, whom think along the lines of “telecom companies invested the money to build the Internet infrastructure and should be free to charge what they see fit” (which is the biggest bullshit in the world as much of that money is subsidized by mine/your taxes, what you pay to talk to aunt Jenny across the country, and what you pay for accessing the fucking net in the first place…), is enough, in my book, to make sure the cookie jar is not raided empty by the greedy telecoms. Why throw sand into the gears of the Net by caving in to the greed of a few companies?

‘Net Neutrality’ Amendment Rejected

Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) said such a law is unnecessary because there is little evidence of discriminatory pricing from Internet service providers. “We’re attempting to legislate on a problem that doesn’t exist and potentially make other problems in the process,” Ensign said. If telecom companies begin to charge higher fees, “I’d be the first to stand up and do something about it,” he said.


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