I hope the trend is contagious and other states catch up.
THE BRAD BLOG: “MD House Votes 137 to 0 to Ban Diebold Touch-Screen Voting in 2006!”
A House united. That seems to be the effect that Diebold has had on the state of Maryland where they had initially deployed their paperless touch-screen voting machines in 2002 as one of two “showcase” states along with Georgia.
That “showcase” has turned into yet another public relations fiasco for Diebold of late.
The Republican Governor there recently slammed Diebold’s paperless system, called for paper ballots and announced he had lost confidence in the State Board of Election and its Diebold-supporting Director, Linda Lamone, to carry out a fair election. Then information surfaced that Lamone had allowed MD to use uncertified Diebold software in the 2002 and 2004 elections. Then revelations were made public of massive machine failures in 2004. And now this from MD’s Democratic House…
Well, there is some hope after all…
I hope the trend is contagious and other states catch up.
THE BRAD BLOG: “MD House Votes 137 to 0 to Ban Diebold Touch-Screen Voting in 2006!”