The apex of hypocrisy

I suppose Mr. Gonzalez was busy chasing or pushing some other issues at the time, but I wonder what does he thinks about all the “torture by proxy” the U.S. carried out in South America in the 60’s and 70’s and well into the 80’s, in countries where they sponsored military coups and governments. Maybe he never heard of the “School of the Americas”
Nowadays, priorities are different and the theater of operations has moved elsewhere (for the moment, that is) but make no mistake, that theater is very shifty and may come back to the South, any time.
Proxy, now, that’s a keyword if I’ve seen any… – Attorney General Gonzales defends American anti-terror tactics – Mar 7, 2006

Alberto Gonzales also said the U.S. did not transport terrorism suspects to nations where it was likely they could be tortured.
Human rights groups and other European critics have alleged that U.S. planes may be using European airports and air space to send suspects to nations that may torture them. They have also criticized the U.S. prison camp in Guantanamo, and a U.N. report last month called for the facility to be closed “without further delay” because it is effectively a torture camp where prisoners have no access to justice


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