Monthly Archives: March 2006

Well, there is some hope after all…

I hope the trend is contagious and other states catch up. THE BRAD BLOG: “MD House Votes 137 to 0 to Ban Diebold Touch-Screen Voting in 2006!” A [..]


Maestro, may you rest in peace…

Thank you for sharing your vision. HNN – HuntingtonNews.Net Born in Fort Scott, Kan. In 1912, Gordon Parks was the youngest of 15 children. After his mother died [..]


The apex of hypocrisy

I suppose Mr. Gonzalez was busy chasing or pushing some other issues at the time, but I wonder what does he thinks about all the “torture by proxy” [..]


German engineering

I’ll sin of being politically incorrect here, but if this doesn’t fall into the German pragmatic stereotype, I don’t know what does… Hey,! before you start shooting arrows [..]
