It is and it isn’t. It shifts. In a two dimensional world–and two is not a typo,–fine, tenuous lines are there to bound, mark and define form, give a message of volume, existence. Our mind fills the empty voids with meaning, much the same way the lines that form these characters on the screen impart a message. All of it is art. But, what is it? Different people, reading the same thing, cannot reach a free consensus on the real intention of a writer. With the introduction of third parties, the readers, askewness prevails. Words are no longer the property of the writer but a picture that belongs to the spirit of a reader. Sure, there are long, tedious courses of comparative literature that may give you shades of gray on what the writer meant to say. As there isn’t a free consensus on the interpretation of colors, other than hard measurements of wavelengths, providing only numbers, devoid of perception, written words cannot be captured and sealed in the container of an idea, not fully, not ever. Even laws, as polarized as they seem, are open to interpretation and loopholes. It shifts. Everything does. It goes from eye to mind, jumping dendrites, dancing pirouettes, juggling electrons, pumping minute chemicals, reaching a big, round projection screen, somewhere, in the back of our skull, where a bunch of slave neurons are condemned to watch an endless motion picture. Sometimes, the slaves are gratified…
BIROCO.COM ~ A way to look at things
But probably you pick up a tone of sadness, and think that is more real
than sadness going. Well, for a while it is more real, and then it goes
and it is not real at all. I can’t always wait until it is not more real
before getting words down on paper just to make you feel less awkward. If
you worry, know that I see through this and I see through you too, and why
don’t you understand that the real real thing is none of this, and that
is the point. Do you think a river is having a hard time when the riverbank
gets constricted? Bring up your babies and look after your families, but
myself I have other things on my mind of which death and disappearance are
things to flirt with while twiddling my thumbs. Ultimately, something mad
is what I will be known for. And when I am gone I will not be gone.
It is pleasing to express it whether it is happy or sad.
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