Timothy Leary revisited…

Is it a “Rock on!!” in good order? I think so, but, let me qualify that: I’m, completely, against drugs that create dependency. That’s misery for anybody who is hooked on them. However, there are many ethnobotanical substances that are mind altering that are not dependency causing. They have been used for thousands of years without the taboo modern society place on them. It is time some respect is returned.
More to the point, the “legal” drugs Prozac, Paxil, Welbutrin, Big-Pharma-Fill-in-the-Blank-with-drug-name, are just that: Mind Altering Drugs. At the time of “mistrust” I would ponder much longer about the ones who stand to make a hefty profit from said drugs.
Give Me Cognitive Liberty (News) Salim Muwakkil

The ranks of folks who believe that the war on drugs is an effort to control consciousness include a few bohemian types and “graying hippies” who may not be sober all the time. But a few straight-edge libertarians would agree with their basic argument: An individual should have the right to choose access to a variety of mental states, some of which can be achieved through the use of mind-altering drugs.


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