Only the Royals are missing…. I could almost hear the countdown to Martial Law, State of Siege and curfews. Inevitable, if the curve of current events keeps climbing, I dare to say.
Now, talk about symbols and imagine THAT happening in the cradle of civil liberties… Scary, indeed.
World Opinion Roundup — Jefferson Morley’s Review of Opinions and Commentary on News Around the World –
“A country which prides itself as the fatherland of the humans right and the sanctuary of a generous social model shows, in the eyes of all, that it is incapable of ensuring dignified living conditions for young French people,” said the editors of Le Monde (in French).
July 14, 1789 – Fast Forward to A Yogi Berra Moment
Only the Royals are missing…. I could almost hear the countdown to Martial Law, State of Siege and curfews. Inevitable, if the curve of current events keeps climbing, I dare to say.
Now, talk about symbols and imagine THAT happening in the cradle of civil liberties… Scary, indeed.
World Opinion Roundup — Jefferson Morley’s Review of Opinions and Commentary on News Around the World –