Monthly Archives: October 2005

Futures Market….

…confused yet? You would be if you go by these headlines in Google News as of 1445hrs on Wednesday, Oct/05/2005. Look at the three different headlines and tell [..]


Not to worry…

…Republican friends, The Wonkette says it best. Not everything is lost for you guys… Wonkette, Politics for People with Dirty Minds In sum: Her conservative views have been [..]

Just Rants

Conspiracy theories…

…anyone? Or just plain dumbness… I’m leaning towards the former as the question is so open-ended and crazy that it just may be true. I only need to [..]

Just Rants

I imagine these…

… thugs, criminal sons of bitches and utmost losers, were pissed because those Mexicans–how dare they?–took their jobs away from them at the farms…
