Kill em all. Let God sort em out…

Although W is not Arnoud-Amaury, the Abbot of Citeaux and Papal Legate for the Albigensian Crusades, he appears to have a direct line to the Highest. Sigh… What of the good ol’ times when the only Red Phone in the Wihte House was with the Soviet Union’s Prime…? Geeze, at least a nuclear holocaust promised to be quick…
I don’t know about you people, but hearing voices in your head, the last time I checked, was a mental disease…
Bush said God told him to invade Iraq, Arab leaders say / Palestinian officials confirm comments from documentary

Jerusalem — President Bush told two high-ranking Palestinian officials that he had been told by God to invade Afghanistan and Iraq and then create a Palestinian state to bring peace to the Middle East, they recall during a documentary on Middle East peace that airs next week in Britain.
“President Bush said to all of us: ‘I’m driven with a mission from God,’ ” said Nabil Shaath, who was the Palestinian foreign minister at the time of a top-level meeting with Bush in June 2003. Mahmoud Abbas, then Palestinian prime minister and now the Palestinian Authority president, was also present for the conversation with Bush.


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