Capitalism at its best…

…and it’s too late to stop it… Well, duh!! Welcome to the club! They should have seen that one coming. The first thing that is satiated when one have access to a “variety of good”, is hunger. When hunger is satiated, then the next, inevitable step, is consumming food for the taste of it. Then and there is when trouble begins. Nobody will eat unsavory foods for pleasure. Flip that one and you have a recipe for a fat waistline.
Fatter Chinese facing more health problems

“If the Chinese have a similar diet to Westerners, for example, with a high fat intake, they will also become corpulent,” Gong said.
As China’s economy grows, so do waistlines.
As the report pointed out, the Chinese diet has turned down an unhealthy road. Urban citizens’ consumption of poultry, meat and oil/fat is too high, while the amount of cereals in the diet is relatively low.

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