There is a reason circus monkeys are trained: so they would not bite their masters. In this context, the masters are the “people” who pay their taxes so that the monkeys can receive their pay. You can train a monkey to do a number of things, but, would you trust a monkey with a loaded .357? Well, at least not overnight in a place where carrying firearms is a completely alien concept in the popular psychology (and this includes that of the monkeys) You cannot reverse a policy of “no” weapons carrying for a police force on a flick of a switch and expect they will not get trigger-happy with their new found toys… I’m afraid this is just the beginning of “a series of unfortunate events…”
Relatives and Friends Remember a Busy, Hopeful Man, and Discover a New Fear – New York Times
But on Friday morning, Jean Charles de Menezes became another innocent casualty of London’s terrorist wars, shot and killed on the London Underground by police officers who mistook him for a would-be suicide bomber. The police have expressed regret for what they called a tragedy, but the incident brought fresh horror to Londoners who look at Mr. Menezes and see their sons, their brothers or themselves.”Now I think it could happen to me, to anyone, to someone who was just visiting,” said Mr. Menezes’s cousin Alex Alves Pereira, a student in London who has emerged as a spokesman for the shocked family. “We are not safe here.
PS: Sorry to confess that I strongly believe that emotional IQ goes out the window with every minute of tactical training a police officer or a military personnel takes. It is a recipe for the the concoction of state sponsored sociopaths. Sure, it is always easier to react than to fix the root problems of many issues, but, does that makes us any better human beings?
PPS: Sorry too if anybody feels offended by the comparison. Violence, be it religiously motivated or state sponsored, is violence and goes beyond any logical excuse or reasoning. When all of them come back to the fold of “human beings” then there will be no need for comparisons. Mind you, I am well aware that a lot of “civilians” are salivating at the opportunity to crack some heads in the name of patriotism. Actually, “Planet of the Apes” is a great metaphor for what I’m saying. Just watch the movie…