Big brother is watching…

Well, what do you know, I was just checking the stats for my sites and found that somebody at the U.S. Department of State has been reading my blogs. Actually, I’m jealous, somebody sent a message to someone in the U.S.D.O.S. with a link to my wife’s blog, Julie. Hey, since when are Julie’s steamy poems more interesting to the Department of State than my own stuff and photography!?!? Uh? That someone is checking her/his e-mail thru AOL Webmail. Here is a look at the stats:

Hmmm, is Dr. Condoleezza Rice into reading steamy Spanish poetry? I know she knows Russian like the back of her hand, I didn’t know she knew Spanish too. I’m glad Colling Powell is out, I may think he was after Julie. With Dr. Rice, well, I don’t know what to think…
Just do me a favor, all of you out there, if you don’t know Spanish, please don’t use the Google Translator to read us, it fucking STINKS!! It is better to ask us to translate that for you guys.

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