Well, I am always looking for them. I don’t usually find them, but, sometimes they just jump at you. For the past couple of weeks I’ve noticed a few. Some of them can make you reflect about what comes next…
A few nights ago, I was driving home for dinner when something to my left caught my eye. Since I live in a semi-rural community in New Jersey, the sight of animals by the road don’t particularly get my attention. However, this was a sad sight. A beautiful little fawn, stil covered with small white patches all over its body, was standing along the road, just watching across to the other side to a field of green soybeans. I followed its sight and to my right I saw his mother, laying on the ground, dead. Doing fifty miles an hour did not help and could not spend much time thinking about it. That is, until I got back to work from dinner and the fawn was still there, still staring across the road and, not yet weaned off his mother, trying to graze, not knowing what to do next.
The next morning the fawn was gone. One can but wonder what would happen to it. The turkey buzzards, however, were hard at work feeding on the carcass of the doe by the side of the road. Now, this and on itself is nothing much to give you many signs. What made me think of them is that when I rode back home that night, on the side of the road, next to the dead and half eaten doe, were the flat carcasses of two buzzards. Now, don’t misunderstand me, for all the carrion they eat, they are very smart birds, not mentioning the fact that in the area where we live they are used to stay away from cars on the road. I’ve never before seen a buzzard ran over by a car… Do you see? The combination of this facts are a sign of things to come.
Another little sign manifested itself yesterday when I was on my way to Delaware from home. A beautiful green Katydid climbed to my side mirror for a ride. What’s interesting, besides being a first, is that from the time I left home until I decided to stick my hand, pick it up and let it fly, some 6 miles away from where I started, the little creature just hung to smooth back of the mirror like a kid holds to the front of a seat on a wild rollercoaster. Amazing! The katydid sustained an air draft of up to sixty miles an hour, the little antennae flying back like the long mane of a biker riding a Harley down Route 66. I still don’t know how it did it but I reached a point where I was afraid the air draft would dislodge it from the mirror and the poor little thing would become a green splatter on the windshield of the car behind me. At the toll both of the Delaware Memorial Bridge, I carefully picked it up (I had to tug a little…) and let it fly away. All along I’ve got the feeling that it was trying to say something to me.
Today I searched for some information on katydids and synchronicity brought me to a site where Chinese Cricket Culture is discussed. For that alone I owe my little friend a heartfelt thank you!
What’s inside
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Hello Sparhawk,
I have found you experiences to be both interesting and significant. It is always difficult have other people understand the relevancy of signs you experience, so it is refreshing to finally come across a message such as yours.
I myself have also had an interesting encounter with an insect:
Late one night a tiny moth caught my attention, as it made a spiralling descent from the my bedroom light. I watched the moth in fascination as it continued to ascend and descend on its spiral course. The longer I observed the moth the more I got the impression it was trying to get my attention. This is the point where my rational mind stepped in and told me not to be ridiculous. But the moth would occasionally adjust its flight pattern to circle infront of my face to regain my attention, before continuing with its decent or ascent.
I felt compelled to reach out my hand to see if the moth would land on it -it didn’t. However, after a few minutes I observed that the moth was circling below the light, near my feet, but was no longer attempting to ascend. Again I felt sure the moth was trying to communicate. I felt compelled to squat down nearer to the level of the moth. As I did the moth flew a couple circles and then landed o the floor by my feet. Taking great care I led on my side and tried my best to focus on the moth.
As my eyes adjusted, I approximated the moth to be 1cm in length. To my surprise I then realised that the moth wa gold in colour. Fascinated, I leaned in even closer and did my best to focus. Yes, it was indeed gold, gold with brown flecks. A strong feeling inside me suggested that there was something magical and mysterious about this moth, and I was certain that it had tried – and succeeded in – getting my attention.
I rested the side of my face on the carpet and focused intently. I could make out its eyes and its antennae. I figured that if the moth were trying to communicate with me the only way I could be sure would be to ask it… Afterall, I had nothing to lose (except my sanity!). If the moth could understand me he could communicate to me by tritching his antennae once for no and twice for yes. I suggested this to the moth through my mind. To my surprise the moths antennae twitched twice. The rational side of me refused to accept this, so I tested the reaction again. I fail to recall what I asked, but I do remember seeing a response, which resulted in me sitting up and slapping my forehead in a comical fasion. I had just confirmed that the moth was communicating!!
As I remember, when I slapped my head there was a serious realisation at what I had witnessed. When I had composed myself I led back down and attempted to encourage the moth onto my index finger. The moth instead turned 90 degrees and walked purposefully to the right of my index finger. It then seemed to acknowledge my ring finger before wandering off into the shadows nearby. At the time i strongly believed this moth to be a sign of good luck, maybe in love..?
Forgive me if I appear to be babbling, but please do perservere and read on.
A short while later the moth reappeared circling a towel draped over the back of a chair. A sense came over me that the moth wanted to die. To confirm this I requested that the moth land on the towel. Immediately, it obliged. I tested this again after it had recommenced its flight circuit, this time praying that it would not land on the towel (I wanted to proof myself wrong that I was communicating with the moth). Again,immediately after my thoughts it landed and stayed on the towel. I burst into tears, refusing to kill the moth, thinking ‘I can’t do it’! (Please bare in mind that I am emotional, but am rarely prone to crying!).
The moth then flew into the edge of my bed. As I watched it, to my surprise a red heart shape drifter emitted from its body and faded. This happened not once, not twice, not even three times, but six times in total!! My rational mind refused to belief what I was seeing, but in my heart a wanted to believe. I tested this on objects in my room, a fly on the ceiling and my pet rabbit (also in my room). I assumed that it was a water cell drifting over my eye, but the heart would only emit from the moth. The heart was very clear and a vibrant red.
My attention was then drawn to the Bible on my desk,it was the same colour as the moth; brown and gold!
I have reflected on this experience and attempted to make sense of it. At the time I was very reluctant to accept what I was seeing and feeling. However, the tingling sensation I felt, the burst into tears, and my instincts were all very strong emotions. This had really happened. I had also questioned every response by the moth at least twice.
I have had many other coincidences occur in my life before and after this involving numbers, synchronisity, signs, psychic moments and sensations…
Any thoughts you have would be well received as I would appreciate someone elses insight.
Hello Sparhawk,
I have found you experiences to be both interesting and significant. It is always difficult have other people understand the relevancy of signs you experience, so it is refreshing to finally come across a message such as yours.
I myself have also had an interesting encounter with an insect:
Late one night a tiny moth caught my attention, as it made a spiralling descent from the my bedroom light. I watched the moth in fascination as it continued to ascend and descend on its spiral course. The longer I observed the moth the more I got the impression it was trying to get my attention. This is the point where my rational mind stepped in and told me not to be ridiculous. But the moth would occasionally adjust its flight pattern to circle infront of my face to regain my attention, before continuing with its decent or ascent.
I felt compelled to reach out my hand to see if the moth would land on it -it didn’t. However, after a few minutes I observed that the moth was circling below the light, near my feet, but was no longer attempting to ascend. Again I felt sure the moth was trying to communicate. I felt compelled to squat down nearer to the level of the moth. As I did the moth flew a couple circles and then landed o the floor by my feet. Taking great care I led on my side and tried my best to focus on the moth.
As my eyes adjusted, I approximated the moth to be 1cm in length. To my surprise I then realised that the moth wa gold in colour. Fascinated, I leaned in even closer and did my best to focus. Yes, it was indeed gold, gold with brown flecks. A strong feeling inside me suggested that there was something magical and mysterious about this moth, and I was certain that it had tried – and succeeded in – getting my attention.
I rested the side of my face on the carpet and focused intently. I could make out its eyes and its antennae. I figured that if the moth were trying to communicate with me the only way I could be sure would be to ask it… Afterall, I had nothing to lose (except my sanity!). If the moth could understand me he could communicate to me by tritching his antennae once for no and twice for yes. I suggested this to the moth through my mind. To my surprise the moths antennae twitched twice. The rational side of me refused to accept this, so I tested the reaction again. I fail to recall what I asked, but I do remember seeing a response, which resulted in me sitting up and slapping my forehead in a comical fasion. I had just confirmed that the moth was communicating!!
As I remember, when I slapped my head there was a serious realisation at what I had witnessed. When I had composed myself I led back down and attempted to encourage the moth onto my index finger. The moth instead turned 90 degrees and walked purposefully to the right of my index finger. It then seemed to acknowledge my ring finger before wandering off into the shadows nearby. At the time i strongly believed this moth to be a sign of good luck, maybe in love..?
Forgive me if I appear to be babbling, but please do perservere and read on.
A short while later the moth reappeared circling a towel draped over the back of a chair. A sense came over me that the moth wanted to die. To confirm this I requested that the moth land on the towel. Immediately, it obliged. I tested this again after it had recommenced its flight circuit, this time praying that it would not land on the towel (I wanted to proof myself wrong that I was communicating with the moth). Again,immediately after my thoughts it landed and stayed on the towel. I burst into tears, refusing to kill the moth, thinking ‘I can’t do it’! (Please bare in mind that I am emotional, but am rarely prone to crying!).
The moth then flew into the edge of my bed. As I watched it, to my surprise a red heart shape drifter emitted from its body and faded. This happened not once, not twice, not even three times, but six times in total!! My rational mind refused to belief what I was seeing, but in my heart a wanted to believe. I tested this on objects in my room, a fly on the ceiling and my pet rabbit (also in my room). I assumed that it was a water cell drifting over my eye, but the heart would only emit from the moth. The heart was very clear and a vibrant red.
My attention was then drawn to the Bible on my desk,it was the same colour as the moth; brown and gold!
I have reflected on this experience and attempted to make sense of it. At the time I was very reluctant to accept what I was seeing and feeling. However, the tingling sensation I felt, the burst into tears, and my instincts were all very strong emotions. This had really happened. I had also questioned every response by the moth at least twice.
I have had many other coincidences occur in my life before and after this involving numbers, synchronisity, signs, psychic moments and sensations…
Any thoughts you have would be well received as I would appreciate someone elses insight.
Hello Sparhawk,
I have found you experiences to be both interesting and significant. It is always difficult have other people understand the relevancy of signs you experience, so it is refreshing to finally come across a message such as yours.
I myself have also had an interesting encounter with an insect:
Late one night a tiny moth caught my attention, as it made a spiralling descent from the my bedroom light. I watched the moth in fascination as it continued to ascend and descend on its spiral course. The longer I observed the moth the more I got the impression it was trying to get my attention. This is the point where my rational mind stepped in and told me not to be ridiculous. But the moth would occasionally adjust its flight pattern to circle infront of my face to regain my attention, before continuing with its decent or ascent.
I felt compelled to reach out my hand to see if the moth would land on it -it didn’t. However, after a few minutes I observed that the moth was circling below the light, near my feet, but was no longer attempting to ascend. Again I felt sure the moth was trying to communicate. I felt compelled to squat down nearer to the level of the moth. As I did the moth flew a couple circles and then landed o the floor by my feet. Taking great care I led on my side and tried my best to focus on the moth.
As my eyes adjusted, I approximated the moth to be 1cm in length. To my surprise I then realised that the moth wa gold in colour. Fascinated, I leaned in even closer and did my best to focus. Yes, it was indeed gold, gold with brown flecks. A strong feeling inside me suggested that there was something magical and mysterious about this moth, and I was certain that it had tried – and succeeded in – getting my attention.
I rested the side of my face on the carpet and focused intently. I could make out its eyes and its antennae. I figured that if the moth were trying to communicate with me the only way I could be sure would be to ask it… Afterall, I had nothing to lose (except my sanity!). If the moth could understand me he could communicate to me by tritching his antennae once for no and twice for yes. I suggested this to the moth through my mind. To my surprise the moths antennae twitched twice. The rational side of me refused to accept this, so I tested the reaction again. I fail to recall what I asked, but I do remember seeing a response, which resulted in me sitting up and slapping my forehead in a comical fasion. I had just confirmed that the moth was communicating!!
As I remember, when I slapped my head there was a serious realisation at what I had witnessed. When I had composed myself I led back down and attempted to encourage the moth onto my index finger. The moth instead turned 90 degrees and walked purposefully to the right of my index finger. It then seemed to acknowledge my ring finger before wandering off into the shadows nearby. At the time i strongly believed this moth to be a sign of good luck, maybe in love..?
Forgive me if I appear to be babbling, but please do perservere and read on.
A short while later the moth reappeared circling a towel draped over the back of a chair. A sense came over me that the moth wanted to die. To confirm this I requested that the moth land on the towel. Immediately, it obliged. I tested this again after it had recommenced its flight circuit, this time praying that it would not land on the towel (I wanted to proof myself wrong that I was communicating with the moth). Again,immediately after my thoughts it landed and stayed on the towel. I burst into tears, refusing to kill the moth, thinking ‘I can’t do it’! (Please bare in mind that I am emotional, but am rarely prone to crying!).
The moth then flew into the edge of my bed. As I watched it, to my surprise a red heart shape drifter emitted from its body and faded. This happened not once, not twice, not even three times, but six times in total!! My rational mind refused to belief what I was seeing, but in my heart a wanted to believe. I tested this on objects in my room, a fly on the ceiling and my pet rabbit (also in my room). I assumed that it was a water cell drifting over my eye, but the heart would only emit from the moth. The heart was very clear and a vibrant red.
My attention was then drawn to the Bible on my desk,it was the same colour as the moth; brown and gold!
I have reflected on this experience and attempted to make sense of it. At the time I was very reluctant to accept what I was seeing and feeling. However, the tingling sensation I felt, the burst into tears, and my instincts were all very strong emotions. This had really happened. I had also questioned every response by the moth at least twice.
I have had many other coincidences occur in my life before and after this involving numbers, synchronisity, signs, psychic moments and sensations…
Any thoughts you have would be well received as I would appreciate someone elses insight.
Hello Sparhawk,
I have found you experiences to be both interesting and significant. It is always difficult have other people understand the relevancy of signs you experience, so it is refreshing to finally come across a message such as yours.
I myself have also had an interesting encounter with an insect:
Late one night a tiny moth caught my attention, as it made a spiralling descent from the my bedroom light. I watched the moth in fascination as it continued to ascend and descend on its spiral course. The longer I observed the moth the more I got the impression it was trying to get my attention. This is the point where my rational mind stepped in and told me not to be ridiculous. But the moth would occasionally adjust its flight pattern to circle infront of my face to regain my attention, before continuing with its decent or ascent.
I felt compelled to reach out my hand to see if the moth would land on it -it didn’t. However, after a few minutes I observed that the moth was circling below the light, near my feet, but was no longer attempting to ascend. Again I felt sure the moth was trying to communicate. I felt compelled to squat down nearer to the level of the moth. As I did the moth flew a couple circles and then landed o the floor by my feet. Taking great care I led on my side and tried my best to focus on the moth.
As my eyes adjusted, I approximated the moth to be 1cm in length. To my surprise I then realised that the moth wa gold in colour. Fascinated, I leaned in even closer and did my best to focus. Yes, it was indeed gold, gold with brown flecks. A strong feeling inside me suggested that there was something magical and mysterious about this moth, and I was certain that it had tried – and succeeded in – getting my attention.
I rested the side of my face on the carpet and focused intently. I could make out its eyes and its antennae. I figured that if the moth were trying to communicate with me the only way I could be sure would be to ask it… Afterall, I had nothing to lose (except my sanity!). If the moth could understand me he could communicate to me by tritching his antennae once for no and twice for yes. I suggested this to the moth through my mind. To my surprise the moths antennae twitched twice. The rational side of me refused to accept this, so I tested the reaction again. I fail to recall what I asked, but I do remember seeing a response, which resulted in me sitting up and slapping my forehead in a comical fasion. I had just confirmed that the moth was communicating!!
As I remember, when I slapped my head there was a serious realisation at what I had witnessed. When I had composed myself I led back down and attempted to encourage the moth onto my index finger. The moth instead turned 90 degrees and walked purposefully to the right of my index finger. It then seemed to acknowledge my ring finger before wandering off into the shadows nearby. At the time i strongly believed this moth to be a sign of good luck, maybe in love..?
Forgive me if I appear to be babbling, but please do perservere and read on.
A short while later the moth reappeared circling a towel draped over the back of a chair. A sense came over me that the moth wanted to die. To confirm this I requested that the moth land on the towel. Immediately, it obliged. I tested this again after it had recommenced its flight circuit, this time praying that it would not land on the towel (I wanted to proof myself wrong that I was communicating with the moth). Again,immediately after my thoughts it landed and stayed on the towel. I burst into tears, refusing to kill the moth, thinking ‘I can’t do it’! (Please bare in mind that I am emotional, but am rarely prone to crying!).
The moth then flew into the edge of my bed. As I watched it, to my surprise a red heart shape drifter emitted from its body and faded. This happened not once, not twice, not even three times, but six times in total!! My rational mind refused to belief what I was seeing, but in my heart a wanted to believe. I tested this on objects in my room, a fly on the ceiling and my pet rabbit (also in my room). I assumed that it was a water cell drifting over my eye, but the heart would only emit from the moth. The heart was very clear and a vibrant red.
My attention was then drawn to the Bible on my desk,it was the same colour as the moth; brown and gold!
I have reflected on this experience and attempted to make sense of it. At the time I was very reluctant to accept what I was seeing and feeling. However, the tingling sensation I felt, the burst into tears, and my instincts were all very strong emotions. This had really happened. I had also questioned every response by the moth at least twice.
I have had many other coincidences occur in my life before and after this involving numbers, synchronisity, signs, psychic moments and sensations…
Any thoughts you have would be well received as I would appreciate someone elses insight.
Hello Sparhawk,
I have found you experiences to be both interesting and significant. It is always difficult have other people understand the relevancy of signs you experience, so it is refreshing to finally come across a message such as yours.
I myself have also had an interesting encounter with an insect:
Late one night a tiny moth caught my attention, as it made a spiralling descent from the my bedroom light. I watched the moth in fascination as it continued to ascend and descend on its spiral course. The longer I observed the moth the more I got the impression it was trying to get my attention. This is the point where my rational mind stepped in and told me not to be ridiculous. But the moth would occasionally adjust its flight pattern to circle infront of my face to regain my attention, before continuing with its decent or ascent.
I felt compelled to reach out my hand to see if the moth would land on it -it didn’t. However, after a few minutes I observed that the moth was circling below the light, near my feet, but was no longer attempting to ascend. Again I felt sure the moth was trying to communicate. I felt compelled to squat down nearer to the level of the moth. As I did the moth flew a couple circles and then landed o the floor by my feet. Taking great care I led on my side and tried my best to focus on the moth.
As my eyes adjusted, I approximated the moth to be 1cm in length. To my surprise I then realised that the moth wa gold in colour. Fascinated, I leaned in even closer and did my best to focus. Yes, it was indeed gold, gold with brown flecks. A strong feeling inside me suggested that there was something magical and mysterious about this moth, and I was certain that it had tried – and succeeded in – getting my attention.
I rested the side of my face on the carpet and focused intently. I could make out its eyes and its antennae. I figured that if the moth were trying to communicate with me the only way I could be sure would be to ask it… Afterall, I had nothing to lose (except my sanity!). If the moth could understand me he could communicate to me by tritching his antennae once for no and twice for yes. I suggested this to the moth through my mind. To my surprise the moths antennae twitched twice. The rational side of me refused to accept this, so I tested the reaction again. I fail to recall what I asked, but I do remember seeing a response, which resulted in me sitting up and slapping my forehead in a comical fasion. I had just confirmed that the moth was communicating!!
As I remember, when I slapped my head there was a serious realisation at what I had witnessed. When I had composed myself I led back down and attempted to encourage the moth onto my index finger. The moth instead turned 90 degrees and walked purposefully to the right of my index finger. It then seemed to acknowledge my ring finger before wandering off into the shadows nearby. At the time i strongly believed this moth to be a sign of good luck, maybe in love..?
Forgive me if I appear to be babbling, but please do perservere and read on.
A short while later the moth reappeared circling a towel draped over the back of a chair. A sense came over me that the moth wanted to die. To confirm this I requested that the moth land on the towel. Immediately, it obliged. I tested this again after it had recommenced its flight circuit, this time praying that it would not land on the towel (I wanted to proof myself wrong that I was communicating with the moth). Again,immediately after my thoughts it landed and stayed on the towel. I burst into tears, refusing to kill the moth, thinking ‘I can’t do it’! (Please bare in mind that I am emotional, but am rarely prone to crying!).
The moth then flew into the edge of my bed. As I watched it, to my surprise a red heart shape drifter emitted from its body and faded. This happened not once, not twice, not even three times, but six times in total!! My rational mind refused to belief what I was seeing, but in my heart a wanted to believe. I tested this on objects in my room, a fly on the ceiling and my pet rabbit (also in my room). I assumed that it was a water cell drifting over my eye, but the heart would only emit from the moth. The heart was very clear and a vibrant red.
My attention was then drawn to the Bible on my desk,it was the same colour as the moth; brown and gold!
I have reflected on this experience and attempted to make sense of it. At the time I was very reluctant to accept what I was seeing and feeling. However, the tingling sensation I felt, the burst into tears, and my instincts were all very strong emotions. This had really happened. I had also questioned every response by the moth at least twice.
I have had many other coincidences occur in my life before and after this involving numbers, synchronisity, signs, psychic moments and sensations…
Any thoughts you have would be well received as I would appreciate someone elses insight.