Further dusting and information gathering

Regarding my previous post, I found some more information about the Chinese books on the Yi. The books were authored by General George T. Cheng during his lifetime.
I was able to find a copy of a letter addressed to him in one of the booklets that I obtained together with the books. The letter is dated 1974 and it comes from the Rochester Institute of Technology inviting Mr. Cheng to “join and direct the study of the theory and applications of I Ching to computer oriented research”. That was very interesting although I don’t know if anything came out of the invitation.
I also discovered doing a search that he was the father of the founder of “Organization of Chinese Americans, Eastern Virginia Chapter” (OCA), Mr. Richard Cheng (he is the person I bought the books from). Mr. Cheng is the Chairman and CEO of ECI Systems & Engineering in Virginia Beach, VA. Furthermore, in a copy of the December 2000 newsletter of the OCA, there is an obituary for General George T. Cheng, that is most telling of the life of this dedicated gentleman. Here is a transcription of that obituary:
General George T. Cheng
Passed Away on December 1, 2000
General George T. Cheng, father of Dr. Richard Cheng,
passed away on December 1, 2000 in Virginia Beach. General
Cheng served in the Army of Republic of China leading troops in
WWII and the Civil War in China. He was a professor of
National Defense University in the ROC. He authored 10 books
of I-Ching, and numerous other publications, and was the
Executive Director of Taiwan Institute of Confucius Studies.
We can see that General Cheng had planted some trees and many
got to enjoy the comfortable shade as a result. We are sorry for
the loss of a national hero and scholar, and wish the Cheng
family the very best. We know and are pleased that his great
spirit has been carried on by his descendants.
I have added a copy of that letter from the Rochester Institute of Technology to the page where the book pictures are: Chinese books on the Yi

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