Dusting old books

One of the things in my agenda, after almost 30 years of studying the I Ching, is to finally learn to read and write Chinese. Sadly, this isn’t the case right now.
I love books and one of my hobbies is to buy and sell used and antique books. A few years ago, on an impulse, I bought a set of eight books in Chinese regarding Yi studies by a Chinese master whom used to live in Virginia. This gentleman had died a couple of years before I bought the books from his son.
I enquired of his son if he followed in his late father’s footsteps regarding the Yi and I was surprised to learn that he didn’t. He did mention that his father had written the books for the Chinese market and that the books were actually marketed there, not in the U.S. At least that was the idea before the writer died. I actually doubt these books are being marketed at all.
The huge problem I have is that I still can’t read the titles or their contents. I any case, some of my fellow Yi lovers can read chinese. Here are the titles I wanted to share if there is any interest.
I should add that the books are full of graphics that I have not seen anywhere else in western translations and they look very interesting. Just click on any of the thumbnails for a full size picture.
Chinese I Ching books
I hope you will also find them interesting.

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