My dear brother. I wish he was close to me, always. I see him every few years. I love you and miss you.
Borgata, Atlantic City NJ
In red
Three aspects of me:
Self portrait
Seeing red,
Light on my back,
Hovering darkness,
She loathes me not
Just for people that does not know how to interpret a photograph… I was actually looking for a face like that for my photograph and why I liked it so much. My daughter is the one person that loves to tag along while I take pictures and the reason she’s present in many of these postings. When we are together I take pictures of her from every angle, most of the the time when she’s not even looking. Like in the case of the previous picture with her serious look at the camera, she lifted her head, while she was complaining about the ferry being late to take us to Fort Delaware and I was waiting with my camera ready. No, she wasn’t happy, but not at me…
You could also have a look at this one. Face expressions change constantly…
Candid shots. Those are the best.
Soul seeker,
Love giver,
Fast anchor,
Unsmiling beauty
In the sun, looking at you,
Seeing you as a part
Of me, the part
You always will be.
You hide and my eyes
Find your soul and I see
A you that’s impossible
To hide. My lens is my
Window and behind,
The garden of You.
My daughter, my beacon,
My purpose.
A boatload of character and disrespect on this, my kid. An even more passionate version of myself. As if genetics played a joke on his soul at the time of conception. Don’t envy his passion, I know what a good dose of it can do to a person if used wrongly, only his youth and wonderment. Salud, hijo…
Why do I get the feeling that, no matter what happens to the cats, the one that goes down first is the fucking horse?
Love ain’t flowing,
Dry, empty husks,
Wall stains of
What’s been,
Indelible mark,
A timeline of