All posts by sparhawk

Feria de Tristán Narvaja

I just found this one in my “picture vault”. It is an old one but I love it. The colors are just perfect. I was younger and even more disrespectful than I am now. The sign behind the lady says in Spanish: “Taking pictures is prohibited”… So much for that…


Update!, 01/12/06!
I recently bought Geoff Dyer’s latest book, The Ongoing Moment, book I recommend to all photography lovers, and I found that photographing blind people is one of the subjects that almost all photographers have cherish at one time or another. I know for a fact that this picture I took fourteen years ago is one of my main inspirations to become a photographer. I wasn’t aware of that fact. Glad that Mr. Dyer was sharp enough to have noticed the pattern.

Don’t take pictures

Finn’s Point Cemetery

Interesting ghosting effect I discovered to the right, alongside the monument. This was only visible after I adjusted the “Levels” in Photoshop. I guess it was a bounce reflection from the IR filter to the lens due to the long exposure (2.0 Sec).
Picture was taken in color, converted to LAB color space, deleted the A and B channels, adjusted Levels, and used “Shadow/Highlight” adjustment to fine tune the midtones and final contrast.