All posts by sparhawk
Marching Band, Five
Sunset, Six. New Castle, DE
Kalmar Nyckel
The Tall Ship of Delaware This was a nice surprise. I wasn’t expecting the Kalmar to sail by. I love this river.
Luna llena…
Spooky moon, peeking thru the clouds. I could almost hear the howling of some wolves… Or was it me? A full moon sparks emotions even on rocks. At least it does to me.
The death of a language…
I always wonder how languages that we sonsider “pure” start dying, mutating, changing into something else. Well, here is an example of Spanish being abused by English… My question is: Why can’t a company, with so much money as Coors has, hire some decent translators?? I mean, they don’t have to be college grads, just some high schooler with some decent and genuine interest in Spanish. It’s all it takes, you morons!!
Picture taken with mobile phone camera.
Just a glass of wine
That’s how I call this tree/picture. The tree lives in a very secluded and secret place in the woods of Salem County in New Jersey. It goes to show that if a tree can change direction in right angles, first going sideways and then correcting itself, so do we…
My many faces..
Something else I did tonight, under the reddish light of dusk, at the edge of the river, sitting in my truck, thinking of words spoken, thoughts inferred. I just started snapping pictures of my face, trying to find some good smiles and many plain goofy faces. The result is obvious: Real beauty is for girls…
Tonight I took the picture of these kids from a distance of about a 100 yards. It was already dusk and I had to push the sensitivity of the camera to an ISO of 800. They were walking by the edge of the Delaware River, playing around. Just for a moment, the boy and one of the girls hugged and the other, very close to the other two, just looked down and did a drawing on the sand with a stick. I could almost feel her regret…