And a good one at that. Here is the self-portrait of an old friend whom I haven’t seen in almost 18 years. Jonathan Mandell. is an sculptor and mosaicist of great reputation, both in the Philadelphia area, where he lives, and abroad. We used to work together as model and mold makers for a plaster lamp factory in North Philly. Jon was still an art student at the University of Pennsylvania. Me? Just a mold maker with little English. I remember Jon with much affection. This little sculpture was made and dedicated to me way back then. Little things, the small gears of memory making.

Genial Maestro!!!!!! Un besote a los dos !
Hola NIna!! Gracias por visitar.
Un abrazo para vos y Viviana.
Don’t know about your molding skills, but your English has definitely come a long way!
By the way: How big is the actual sculpture?
Hi Charlotte, thanks for visiting. Thanks for the kind words. Actually, the sculpture is very little, about the size of my hand. Nos leemos.